Abundant Water

Twin Eagles currently has approximately 450 acres of slash and loblolly pine ranging in age from 1986 to 1991. Additionally there are some 250 acres of merchantable hardwood.

Land Management

Twin Eagles includes 715 scenic acres of upland pine stands, hardwood bottoms, clear-cut open areas, wet weather ponds and creek bottoms.  

Intensively managed primarily for wild bobwhite quail and whitetail deer, the property also boasts abundant populations of doves, wood ducks, eastern turkeys, wild boar and others.

Excellent road infrastructure affords easy access throughout the property.

Three high-volume dedicated wells are located on the estate grounds and two additional wells serve the plantation.  Twin Eagles boasts two well-stocked fishing lakes and Dry Branch Creek runs through the property.

Twin Eagles Lake

Lake Terri

Dry Branch Creek